The Blue Leaf Basket
The Blue Leaf Basket
This ideal-sized all-purpose storage basket for your interior comes in two sizes, Small & Large. Keep an easy access in this storage bin for your everyday essentials, your office supplies, children toys, beauty products, kitchen towels.. and the list is quite long. But most of all this basket will bring a touch of joy to style your plant pots. It’s the ideal gift that will delight for sure. We love when practicality meets fun styling!
Three words… “Max-level cuteness” for your interior!
Hand-crafted in USA with imported fabric
100% Cotton African print fabric on the outside
100% water resistant black polyester lining
Machine washable delicate cycle
Large basket: 10.5" H, 8.7" diameter / 27cm H x 22cm diamètre
Small Basket: 8" H, 7.5" diameter / 21cm H x 19cm diamètre
Color and pattern placement will differ from the online model as these are one-of-a-kind pieces. Colors on photo images may slightly differ depending on device resolution you are using. Images may appear larger.